January 2nd 2025: PixelCNC v1.86b Hotfix

PixelCNC v1.86b Hotfix - Sale Ending Soon!


We've discovered an issue with the Link Cuts option for larger Stepover values, particularly with metric projects where Parallel Carving can end up not properly sorting cutpaths when Distance Sort is enabled - resulting in unnecessarily long operation runtimes. This appears to have been introduced a few versions ago and managed to go unnoticed.

There have also been a few other changes with v1.86b.

We've added Masso G3 posts that have been tested to work on a Masso G3 Touch machine by a PixelCNC user. Let us know if you have any issues with these posts.


The Fillet Carving operation's behavior around Min/Max Depth parameters no longer directly indicates the radius of the fillet as the difference between the two parameters. The generated cupaths now abide by the Max Depth parameter the same way that other operations do. This means that to achieve a desired fillet radius users will need to calculate the proper Max Depth for their ballnose cutter. To find the needed Max Depth to produce a given fillet radius simply add the fillet radius to Min Depth and add the radius of the ballnose cutter.

e.g. for a 0.5" radius to be cut using a 0.25" ballnose, with a Min Depth of zero, this would be 0.0"+0.5"+0.25"/2 which is equal to 0.625"

Don't forget, the 30% off sale is ending in less than a week, get the full unrestricted version of PixelCNC so that you can save projects and export images, meshes, and vectors too!

I hope that everyone's having a great start to the new year. Happy CNCing! :]

 - Charlie

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